KissLists is a very simple tool to share lists of items.
It is an ultra-minimalistic alternative of Google Keep todo lists.
- presented as a single html page, best viewed on mobile devices
- share url with friends, pin to phone launcher, done !
- background colors, just like Keep lists
- websockets are used to quickly sync your items across all clients
- your items are stored in a simple sqlite database, so you can use them with other tools
Install with Docker
The Docker image have tags for linux, amd64 / arm / rpi
With Docker Compose
image: allyouneedisgnu/kisslists
- ./your/kisslists:/kisslists
- 80:80
With Docker command line
docker run -p 80:80 -v ./your/kisslists:/kisslists allyouneedisgnu/kisslists
KissLists is so simple, some features are deliberately left aside, for example
- no built-in authentication, it is your responsability to secure the access to your lists with a frontend proxy
- no user concept, it is up to you to keep url of each list
The server itself is entirely bundled in a single binary, zero dependencies needed.
KissLists stores items in a an SQLite database. This allow sqlite tools to work.
To export all items to a CSV file named kisslists.csv
sqlite3 /path/to/kisslists.sqlite <<!
.headers on
.mode csv
.output kisslists.csv
select * from ListItems;